Friday, February 9, 2007

five reasons my friend splenda is great

Kate is Great

1. She unabashedly loves Starbucks but does not like the ones that feature baristas jumping out from behind the counter to say hi the second the door opens for someone to come inside.

2. She has been married for awhile now and gives me awesome advice and perspective that is real and useful. A lot of people my age don't entirely understand where I'm coming from when I talk about my relationship with K, but she always does.

2b. She is probably the biggest fan of me and K having a relationship outside of me and K. She said we HAVE to get married because our babies would be the cutest dark curly haired babies there ever were.

3. She is the perfect drinking buddy because she will do shots right along with me but will also make sure that we're both safe and whatnot. She knows the value of leaving early sometimes, but going to the Pig Stand when Damon is on a story telling kick as well.

4. She is working on her business degree and enrolled right away in the next round of classes after she moved this fall. I admire her so much for plugging along and kicking ass in her classes.

4b. She has only been a source of encouragement when I've talked to her about my uncertainty regarding my future, in whatever sense I'm currently worried about.

5. Her blogs are super funny and I don't mind that she cusses at all.

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