Monday, January 4, 2010


What song lyric do you use for a list of 25 things about yourself? Anyway, here you go:

1. The purchase I have made so far that makes me feel most like a mother-to-be is a robe.
2. I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin than I have while pregnant.
3. My truck is always a mess inside. Always.
4. Ki and I have matching wedding bands and it makes me smile, four months later.
5. Plumb is my all time favorite artist.
6. I do not have all of Plumb's cds.
7. Target is my favorite store to shop at because I can wander around and amuse myself for quite some time and also actually afford to buy something.
8. Anthropologie is still my favorite store to wander around without being able to afford a damn thing inside.
9. My husband cusses more than anyone I know.
10. You may or may not know that about him because he is fairly good at censoring himself.
11. I am so excited to see whether or not I'm right that my youngest niece is going to be an absolute firecracker when she grows up even though I also think she'll be a very small woman.
12. I love to make phone calls to chat with good friends while driving.
13. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.
14. I have no idea what "when I grow up" looks like.
15. Being pregnant has shown me it is possible to have abs that are sore inside and out.
16. The baby's room theme is Winnie the Pooh. Not classic, the other one.
17. Apparently I recently started snoring.
18. It makes me really happy that Ki is so comfortable hanging out with my parents.
19. Personal investment bias aside, Mary Kay face wash and lotion is hands down the best thing I've found to keep my complexion unridiculous.
20. My favorite thing about wearing contacts is getting to wear sunglasses.
21. I like it kind of cold at night because I thoroughly enjoy snuggling into bed.
22. I wish I could go to more concerts.
23. The Baby-Sitter's Club is getting revamped and re-released and I have mixed feelings about that.
24. I have high hopes that the sudden influx of Muppets commercials means they are coming back in a big way. A new movie, a new Muppets Show, or even a new Fraggle Rock would be AWESOME.
25. I read blogs every day and am always interested in finding new really good ones.

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