Saturday, December 13, 2008

strange things are afoot at the circle k

Not really. But I am on the cusp of some very huge changes and I have to say that the more I talk about them, the more excited I feel. I have to get through this month with my sanity intact and then I will spill all of the gory details. Or close to all of them.

But I can say this in the meantime. One of the most exciting parts of my huge undertaking starts tomorrow morning. I'm going to one of the five thousand colleges in San Antonio and sitting down with a counselor and hashing some details out. I am returning to school full-time in January. I will be finishing my Bachelor's in Psychology and probably adding a minor in something along the lines of government or history to help with the residency requirements (you have to take so many units at a school to earn a diploma there). I will also get a teaching certification and hopefully teach while pursuing a Masters in probably something along the lines of Psychology or Counseling. I am VERY excited about this. It is going to be crazy hard and take some serious time and effort but I truly believe it will all be worth it.

It is so lovely to look at a potentially awful situation and see an amazing opportunity and pounce on it before you have time to sink.

Also, I got my first weight loss star this week! I have lost a total of 6.4 pounds. Lots more to go, but not that many more until my jeans will fit better and not much more than that for others to be able to see that I'm becoming fit and fabulous.

Maybe December doesn't have to be a month of suck in my life after all!

1 comment:

tina said...

That is GREAT! Congratulations... on everything. I'm so excited (and a little jealous) to hear you are going back to school to finish out your degree. That is truly fabulous. And then to hear you got your star. Little star, big accomplishment. Keep up the good work.