Sunday, July 27, 2008


I just kind of haven't felt like writing lately. There's tons of stuff going on that is probably worth posting about, but for some reason I've had some writer's block. With pretty much everything. I start letters (mostly to you, Tina, sorry...), emails, surveys, everything and just not finishing them. I put a blog on my myspace because that's a theoretically safer spot to post things of a more sensitive nature since my profile is private.

But anyway...

Last night K and I went to one of his friend's birthday party. I'm not going to lie. I didn't want to go. I don't have a very good history with this particular person and even now that things are not as volitale as they once were, there's still a little tension. Or maybe just an uncomfortable feeling on both sides is more like it because we've been able to do some double dates without any major awfulness happening. My good friend Splenda came with us and through a combination of things, namely K making sure to include us both in conversation and the abundance of alcohol available even though the invitation totally said BYOB, I had a genuinely good time. I got to see some people I already knew and like hanging out with and then I got to meet some other people I've heard about here and there and some of them were super cool.

I was involved in an unoffical drinking contest. The thing about pina coladas is it is a little difficult to taste the alcohol so it kind of sneaks up on you. I have no idea how many I had. Too many to even bother trying to figure out Weight Watcher points for, heh. But I suddenly realized I was right at the line between having a good time and crossing over into what I like to call Puke City. So I notified the other participant I was done and he put up a good fight for why we should continue, but I noticed he stopped drinking too as I switched to water. He said today that we'll have to go again because the stipulation for last night was only one of us was walking away from the table and we both did.

The other thing that I really enjoyed was that all of K's friends know we moved in together and so that was a topic for discussion last night for a few minutes. Almost all of them seem genuinely happy and kind of excited even about this recent development. Someone asked us if we were getting married and when I said we were talking about it, but we're kind of at the very beginning of talking about it, they were really excited for us. It's really fun to be happy about something going on in your life and share it with someone else and have them be happy for you too, you know?

All in all, it was a good night. And kind of help make up for the fact that the new X-Files movie, the one I've been looking forward to seeing for roughly a year and got to see yesterday morning, was awful. Maybe they can make another one in a couple of years and redeem themselves. SATC can go ahead and make another one in a couple of years as well. Getting movies out of The West Wing and Friends might be a little too much though, but I will take continuing storylines from X-Files and Sex and the City as long as they churn them out. Unless the next X-Files movie is as rotten as this one was. David Duchovny is still yummy. Even with a crazy unabomber beard and everything. :)

I've got one more day off and then it'll be back to my typical somewhat stressful work week. In anticipation of which I plan to do not much of anything for most of the day tomorrow. Right after I clean the bathroom, take out all the trash, and maybe vaccuum.

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