Wednesday, January 27, 2010

humpday happiness

Happy things this week!

...getting to see what I think are pieces of our kid's personality already. with my sister and youngest niece.
...being in the homestretch of my pregnancy! iPhone.
...working on the baby's room. OB making fun of my maternity pants.
...listening to cds I haven't listened to in YEARS.
...golden delicious apples.
...okay, actually apples in general.
...chips and salsa.
...back rubs from my hubby.
...making random Mary Kay sales.
...having gained only seven pounds through my pregnancy so far.
...ceiling fans.
...watching Teen Mom, my and actually now Ki's latest television addiction. for my husband.
...Sweetart conversation hearts!
...ultrasounds. :)
...crazy baby kicks. in general. showers.
...long meandering walks through the grocery store where I may or may not purchase much but definitely enjoy walking around pushing the cart.

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