Wednesday, May 9, 2007

wednesday wonders

A list of happy things, brought to you by Pepsi, mini vanilla scones, and AllerClear medicine.

...spontaneous sushi with my boyfriend last night. And when I told the waitress that this was my favorite sushi place she said "That's because you got all the good rolls. Nice selection."
...lengthy email exchanges with friends. Sometimes we can email right away back and forth, sometimes there's a few days or weeks inbetween, but the exchanges are always fabulous.
...the last little piece of the last episode of Sex and the City with voice over and all the clips of where everyone is at in their lives. Miranda will always be my favorite. Except for season one because she's a little militant there. calendar with the animals made of fruits and vegetables.
...knowing how to deal with the muggy weather.
...iced water.
...banana pudding. The kind with the cut up pieces of banana and nilla wafers. So amazingly good.
...I have this Friday, Saturday AND Sunday off from work! That's so much time I'm not going to know what to do with myself!
...there is talk of going to the movies Friday AND Saturday!
...Catch and Release is being sent to me at this very moment. It's my girly movie I wanted to see and K said "You know, with a title like that, you'd think it would be about fishing. But I bet it's not, is it."
...listening to Gnarls Barkley for the first time in a few months. and K have been together, officially, on the same page, for a year now. :)
...Almond Snickers bars. Almonds and chocolate together generally. Adding caramel only makes it better.
...having a much better attitude about work.
...sweetened green tea lemonade.
...almost being done with the two job thing.
...teasing my mom about her having a crush on Bon Jovi because I think she kind of does. You know, a fake crush.
...a very special episode of The Office is showing on Thursday!
...the preview of the Grey's spin-off show last Thursday. I LOVED it. Don't tell anyone I said that, I am quite the show killer.
...K's crazy curly hair. He's going to get it cut soon, but I will enjoy it heartily in the meantime. more overnights. I will miss the shifts but not the hours.
...kissing. It's fabulous.
...salad for lunch and a sandwich for dinner.
...Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Skin Therapy Lotion for my hands. ultra wide tooth comb my mom got me from Sephora. It's a delight.
...naps. Sleep in general actually. I love sleep.


tina said...

I had a mini vanilla scone today! Maybe I CAN have a wednesday wonder list afterall. hehe. Okay. I'll try it. But not tonight. I'm too tired. And besides... it's taken. Perhaps I'll have Monday Magics or Thursday Thrillers. *Shrugs*

m3li558 said...

I give you official permission to have a Wednesday Wonder list. :)